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        Thank You for submitting your Legal Question on Co-operative Law to We hope our network of attorneys may answer your question. Visit our page “Premium Query” to submit your questions and receive quick and more specific and in-depth answers covered by attorney-client privilege.

Please Note:
Since your question is submitted under Free Query Option, it is not covered by attorney-client privilege. Because of this,
1.         Its upto the sole discretion of our attorneys & to decide whether to answer your query or not.

2.     Not all of our attorneys answer free questions with the depth of information they can give if the questions are covered by an attorney-client privilege.

3.          If your queries are answered Free once, you would not be eligible to post second or further queries.

4.        We will not entertain any complaints or grievances relating either your queries are not getting answered or you did not get an in-depth answer.

5.      You will not receive any intimation and you will have to frequently visit and browse through the ChsGuru Answers Section to see if an answer to your query has been posted.

6.      Whenever your query is answered “Your name & Place” will be published below your Query.

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